When To Call For Air Conditioning Repair

When To Call For Air Conditioning Repair
Air conditioner problems can send homeowners into a panic, especially when outdoor temperatures are high. Of course, our technicians can come out to assist you, but it may not always be necessary. Below are some troubleshooting tips you can try if you experience problems with your system before calling ABC Heating & Air Conditioning for AC repair.

Problem: Air conditioner isn’t running

If your system isn’t turning on, power could be a problem. Check the condenser to make sure it is plugged in, and the power switch is turned on. Also, check your fuse or breaker box to ensure a blown fuse or tripped circuit isn’t to blame.

Your thermostat could also be the cause for your air conditioner not turning on if it isn’t communicating properly with the unit. Make sure it has fresh batteries or that a breaker or fuse isn’t causing lack of power if hardwired. Ensure it is set to ‘cool’ and lower your thermostat by five degrees, which should signal the system to turn on.

If you’ve verified that your unit and thermostat both have power and are set properly, yet your system still won’t turn on, it’s time to call for air conditioning repair.

Problem: Air conditioner cycles on and off frequently

If you experience this problem, it could be caused by a blocked condenser unit. Move away any large objects stored near the unit and clear away and vegetation growing around it. Also, clean the exterior of the unit with a garden hose (turn the power off first) to wash away yard waste and other debris which may have built up.

If your unit is clear yet it’s still cycling on and off frequently, give us a call to schedule air conditioning repair service.

Problem: Poor air flow

If air flow is not strong when your air conditioner is running, begin by checking your air filter. If it is dirty, change it, as a clogged air filter will restrict air flow through the system. Next, check the registers throughout your home; make sure they are open.  If possible, visually inspect your home’s duct work, looking for any obvious disconnections, fallen sections, and holes; professional assistance may be required to fix these issues.

If these fixes do not improve air flow, contact ABC Heating & Air Conditioning for AC repair.