HVAC Maintenance Visits – The Process Explained

Hopefully you already know that both your heating and cooling systems require annual HVAC maintenance, but do you know what that entails? When your HVAC technician arrives at your home to perform a maintenance visit, several actions will be taken to improve performance and efficiency, as well as enhance your indoor comfort and extend equipment service life. Below is an outline of the process which will occur during your HVAC maintenance visit:
  • Air filter check and change: While this step should be performed by you more than during annual maintenance visits (once a month is recommended), your technician will go ahead and check your air filter, changing it if necessary.
  • Thermostat testing: Your technician will test your thermostat to ensure it’s communicating properly with your heating and cooling systems. Also, your technician can review with you the ideal settings for energy savings during heating and cooling seasons.
  • Check system controls: Controls are tested to ensure the system is operating safely and correctly. The starting cycle is also tested to ensure proper operation of the system.
  • Check electrical connections: Connections are checked and tightened, and a voltage and current test is performed on system motors. This step ensures the system is operating safely and allows us to detect excess electricity use which can cause components to fail prematurely.
  • Lubrication of moving parts: Moving parts can lose lubricant over the course of normal operation; applying lubricant reduces friction to prevent excessive electricity use when the system is running.
  • Check condensate drain: Your technician will inspect the drain for clogs, removing them if necessary. Clogs in the condensate drain can cause water to back up, creating water damage and excessive indoor humidity levels.

During your air conditioner maintenance visit:

  • Coil cleaning: Buildup on your air conditioning coils can diminish the heat exchange process, reducing system efficiency. Your coils will be cleaned, removing dirt and grime which hinders the cooling process.
  • Check refrigerant levels: Your refrigerant level is tested, and refrigerant is added if necessary. Improper refrigerant levels reduce efficiency and system life.

During your heating maintenance visit:

  • Check gas and oil connections, gas pressure: Depending on your system fuel type, the gas and oil connections will be inspected to ensure they do not have any damage or are not faulty, which can be a fire and health hazard.
  • Inspect heat exchanger and burners: Malfunctioning burners or a heat exchanger can cause safety issues and reduce system efficiency; your HVAC maintenance technician will inspect these elements, clean the components, and provide repairs if necessary.