How to make the most of your Central Air Conditioner’s performance this summer

Living in Texas, we have come to understand that the weather can turn on a dime. The one sure thing is that when July and August arrive, things are going to get HOT!

1) Change your A/C filter on a regular basis, monthly is preferred for a 1” thick filter, especially if you have tile or wood flooring and/or “fur babies” in your home. Dust and pet hair tend to get pulled into your system across these more than carpet. Every three months is the minimum you should go between changes. This will improve the quality of air you breathe and help eliminate possible freeze up due to reduced air flow.

2) Everyone likes windows and a sun-brightened home, if possible, in the afternoon close curtains and blinds to help block the heat from coming into your house on the “sunny-side”.

3) Set the A/C Thermostat to the highest temperature you are comfortable at, providing your system will maintain that setting without running all day long. 78 degrees is optimum if this works for you. Nothing worse than paying to be cool but maintaining a temperature you are uncomfortable with; however, turning it down to “deep freeze”, even if your system will maintain it, may not be cost- effective and will cause undo strain on your system and possible freezing up. Use ceiling fans and the “on” setting on your thermostat to keep air moving and to allow you to set your temperature a smidge higher is beneficial.

4) Check your outside condenser monthly, keep it clean of dirt, cottonwood, leaves, grass clippings, etc…This can be accomplished by turning the power off to the outside unit and washing the coil with a water hose. Remember to turn the power back on when done.

5) Last but not least, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Preventive maintenance is always recommended. A tune up early in the season can prevent breakdowns when you need your A/C system the most!

Contact ABC Heating & Air for questions or to schedule your maintenance/preventative call.